Your CBD cigar products require suitable packaging during display and selling. Also, the boxes make your products distinctive in the market. Custom packaging house is here with exceptional, affordable, and premium Cigar boxes available in a range of styles.
We offer the finest quality and sophisticated cigar packaging with a touch of exclusivity. However, our boxes are eco-friendly, moisture-resistant, toxic-free, and durable. You can invest in them with peace of mind for the safe and efficient storage of your CBD cigars. We create unique and premium box designs without compromising on the quality aspect. This makes our cigar packaging boxes the top choice of many CBD retailers and brands.
Eco-Friendly Cigar Boxes
Nowadays, everyone is concerned about the safety of the environment that is affected because of the wastage of plastic and other materials. To get rid of this, CPH offers biodegradable cigar packaging boxes made of eco-friendly material. Our boxes are 100% safe for the environment. We use the following packaging materials to make high-grade and eco-friendly custom boxes for CBD cigars.
Paper stock
CBD Cigar Boxes with Attractive Prints & Coatings
To get the right attention from customers, you must showcase your products in exclusively designed boxes. CPH understands this well and designs cigar boxes in captivating themes, colors, and designs.
We use screen printing, digital printing, lithography, flexography, PMS, and CMYK techniques to design the boxes in an appealing manner. We can produce any graphic, texture, theme, and pattern on the packaging related to your product or brand that appeal to customers at first glance. Besides, we offer high-end lamination and coating embellishments that increase the glamor, safety, and elegance of the boxes.
Your brand’s logo can also be embossed or debossed on the boxes by using advanced equipment and tools. The most popular coating and designing options we use that add an exclusive touch to the boxes include glossy, matte, spot UV, embossing, debossing, hot foil stamping, silver/golden foiling, and more.
Cigar Box Styles we offer with Free Shipping
Get custom cigar boxes in a range of innovative styles and structures to enhance the aesthetic visual appeal of your tobacco products. You can choose from our design templates or customize your own design under our professional guidance. We offer free shipping and free design support to our clients. The most in-demand design of cigar packaging boxes are as follows!
window style boxes
Sleeve boxes
custom made boxes
Two piece boxes